What if.... What if you had everything you needed, so that you could give freely of your time, money and energy to the important causes or people that make an impact in your life?

Some think it is noble to be poor, or to give up everything to "truly" help a cause. Our opinion is that when you have no time, money, or energy you can't be of service to anyone. How can you truly help others, when you can't even look after yourself?

Notice when you are on a plane, listening to the pre-flight procedures in the case of an emergency, they always say when the air masks come down is to firmly secure your own BEFORE secure those of others like children. Why? Because if you blackout before you won't be able to help anyone less capable. You have to make sure you are right before helping others.

Our philosophy is to first make sure your cup is full, so that in turn you can make REAL impact and help and serve others. When you no longer need to work, and you have the time and financial freedom to help, donate, volunteer, contribute is the time you can make real impact.

We also tend to put so many things in front of our own health. Work, kids, excuses, family, friends etc --- Our health is the No.1 asset we own, if we don't own that, we may as well be dead (well we probably nearly are) So many things get in the way that it is deprioritized like "i'll deal with that later" Later tends to never come, or always put off until tomorrow, so isn't it also about time we made sure we made ourselves No.1 priority again?

Don't be no.2. Be the best No.1 you can be