How many of you out there could agree that we all see and hear a lot of our friends and family complaining and whinging about things like work, feeling unhealthy, being broke or short on funds, overworked, underpaid, under appreciated, unloved, frustrated, bored, tired, fed up etc.....

ALL these things CAN BE CHANGED, but for whatever reasons we CHOOSE to put up with them.

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and EXPECTING a different result.

ie. If we keep going to the same job, same environment, same pay, same conditions that SOMEDAY things will suddenly get better? IT WON'T, let's be honest. It JUST WON'T.

This goes the same for your health, keeping the same diet, lifestyle patterns, mindset etc, suddenly do we think we're going to get healthier or progressively become worse? If nothing changes, nothing will change.

So, we're curious, what do you find yourself complaining about today? Is this something that CAN change, and if so, maybe we can show you a way!