For those with health and weight-loss goals, resisting the urge to reach for sugary treats at parties is one thing, but the festive season also brings with it an endless amount of other food temptations that come in the form co-workers bringing cookies to the office, lolly sales at the supermarket, and seasonal drinks and sweets.

Unfortunately, sugar cravings have the capability to derail even the most determined and health-focused individuals. But there are a few ways to both avoid and address those cravings while still keeping your diet on track.

Here are four tricks to help you keep your sweet tooth under control:

  1. Keep the treats out of sight. The proximity and visibility of food can cause a significant increase of the consumption of that food (1). By keeping candy in plain sight, you’re setting yourself up to have to force yourself to say no each time you notice it. Instead of keeping the candy beautifully displayed on the kitchen counter, keep it somewhere that’s a little tougher to get to—like the top shelf of your pantry. Leave the display for parties or special occasions! And when it comes to the office, add a fun piece of decor to your desk, rather than a candy jar.
  2. Replace candy with healthier sweet options. Use the same logic—that makes candy in close proximity easier to eat—to work for you by keeping healthier options around. Always keep the fruit bowl stocked. Keeping IsaDelight® chocolates around is good way to help satisfy your sweet tooth when necessary; and don’t forget Isagenix Snacks and protein- and fiber-rich Fiber Snacks™ and IsaLean® Bars to turn to when you’re craving a treat.
  3. Keep your hunger in checkPlan a healthy meal or snack to eat every few hours. Waiting too long between meals could set you up to give in to whatever food temptations that come your way. Sugar cravings can be hard enough to battle through without having to deal with the added feeling of actual hunger. By keeping your hunger in check, it’ll be much easier to eat the way you planned and avoid the sweets.
  4. Give in. Just a little! When all else fails, sometimes the best thing to do is just enjoy just one (or two, but no more) of those goodies. Too much deprivation can sometimes lead to an all-out binge, which is definitely more likely to derail your weight-loss goals in the long run. Allow yourself a small, pre-portioned sweet or candy in the early afternoon or at the end of each day. Setting a time and knowing exactly what your daily treat is will help give you something to look forward to, so you never feel too deprived but also won’t go overboard.

While the one or two pounds you might gain from eating sugary goodies may not seem too concerning, they can add up over time. In fact, the small amount of weight gained over the holidays often is the culprit for the total overall weight gain we all experience as we age (2).

So maintaining or continuing to lose weight during a time of endless food temptations is one of the best ways to stay on track with your weight-loss goals.


  1. Wansink B, Painter JE, Lee YK. The office candy dish: proximity’s influence on estimated and actual consumption. Int J Obes (Lond). 2006 May;30(5):871-5.
  2. Schoeller DA. The effect of holiday weight gain on body weight. Physiol Behav. 2014 Jul;134:66-9. doi: 10.1016/j.physbeh.2014.03.018.
