It's TRUE, how we react to any given situation is how it manifest within us. Sure we all have hardships and challenges, some of which can be catastrophic, most though are relatively mild, but it is us who can CHOOSE to either make these much bigger than they or, or let them flow over us.

So CHOICE is the big key in how we react to a problem. You would agree that a lot of times we can all be guilty of attaching a story to an event in our lives that forever holds us back from moving forward. Or we attach a story to current situations to prevent us moving forward. ie. "I don't have the time / money" "It's not for me" "I can't .."

So in the example where "I don't have the time" we can make excuses not to do things because we don't have the time.. Well what if you could change that, so you DID have the time to do the things in your life you wanted to do. Instantly changing the story becomes an opportunity to be open to change.

In the instance where you are stuck in traffic, you can CHOOSE to see it as a problem or as an opportunity to have time with your thoughts, listen to a podcast, or call someone to catch up.

Same with having children, they can be your excuse not to be open to a new opportunity (I'm to busy) or they can be your reason to be open to a new opportunity (Im doing it for my family to have MORE time with them)

Eitherway, it's your CHOICE how you view and react to any situation. Same goes for your own personal success and goals, it's a CHOICE.