The Block’s Sara Vale reveals her weight loss has improved her relationship with husband Hayden
Sara Vale from The Block reveals her before and after shots after using Isagenix
Sarah Vale and her journey with Isagenix.
Since filming has finished on The Block, Sara has shed a startling 8kg from her small frame to get her pre-baby body.
"I had so much baby weight an it was driving me insane," Sara, 33, reveals. "I got down to about 59kg for my wedding and then I went on my honymoon and it crept back up to about 63kg, which was what I was going into The Block."
Like many Block contestants, the physical activity meant Sara lost weight, however it was post-filming indulgences that gave her the wake-up call.
"It felt like yo-yoing and I was never a yo-yoer. When I got home I thought, 'This is enough'."
She turned to friends who introduced her to a cleanse diet. "Someone got me onto Isagenix. It's a shake in the morning and then a snack, then I felt full and I was losing all this weight," she reveals.
I didn't exercise one bit, either. For people who hate exercise, this is the perfect diet. Hayden's happy if I'm happy, but he loves my new body. It's done wonders for us romantically. Our relationship is really good."
From Sara
“Ok so I’m not one for progressive posts because I certainly didn’t want everyone to see (what I think in my own head as) my flabby post baby body bits especially since the picture on the right was 18 months AFTER I gave birth but I have to say that the picture on the left was only taken 1 month after!
This year so far has been such a roller coaster ride filled with lots of highs and a lot of lows, one of my personal lows was that I noticed I wasn’t able to shift all of my baby weight, I was tired all the time and my skin was horrible. Breastfeeding didn’t melt away my fat and I certainly still wasn’t in my pre baby jeans even 9 months after I gave birth.
At the 18 month mark I got sick of still constantly being tired and not fitting into my clothes that I decided to do something about it. I’ve just completed a nutritional cleanse and it’s seriously one of the best things I’ve done. I feel less bloated, I have way more energy, my skin feels so much better, I’m not gassy and most of all within a month I’ve lost 5kgs!! My confidence in my body is back FINALLY and it’s only going to get better from here because I’m going to continue on cleaning to maintain being healthy as it’s convenient for me being a busy mum working, playing and chasing after my daughter all day. I feel amazing and nothing is going to get me down this time!
#healthy #cleaneating #finally #momlife#mum #fitgoals #fitness #motivation
Sara Vale has also revealed that reaching her pre-baby body weight goal has helped her marriage with her husband, Hayden.
‘He loves my new bod,’ the 31-year-old said.
‘He loves my new bod!’ The Block’s Sara Vale has revealed her four kilogram weight loss has improved her relationship with husband Hayden
‘It’s done wonders for us romantically. Our relationship is really good,’ she added.
The amateur home renovator told the publication that she managed to achieve her weight loss with Isagenix. With the help of shakes and snacks throughout the day and no exercise needed, she dropped around five kilos.
Trim and taut: ‘I got down to about 59kg (right) for my wedding and then I went on the honeymoon and it crept back up to about 63kg (left), which was what I was on The Block’
New mum: ‘My confidence in my body is back FINALLY and it’s only going to get better from here’ she said
‘I’ve just completed a nutritional cleanse and it’s seriously one of the best things I’ve done. I feel less bloated, I have way more energy, my skin feels so much better, I’m not gassy and most of all within a month I’ve lost 5kgs!!’
‘My confidence in my body is back FINALLY and it’s only going to get better from here because I’m going to continue on cleaning to maintain being healthy as it’s convenient for me being a busy mum working, playing and chasing after my daughter all day.’
‘I feel amazing and nothing is going to get me down this time!’
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