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Are all Isagenix Antioxidants The Same… True or False?

As you read this, your body is putting up a fight against oxidative stress. Free radicals are the intruders and antioxidants are the defenders on the front line. Antioxidants protect your body by neutralising these free radicals that can attack from both internal and external sources such as visceral fat, poor diet, smoke, sun exposure and pollution.

Just as different people in society have specialised skills (think doctors, engineers, truck drivers, etc) antioxidants also have various roles in which they can provide protection. Together, they can counter oxidative stress and support overall health.

Essential antioxidant vitamins include vitamins C, E and A but there are also several other kinds of antioxidants found in plants, including vegetables, spices and herbs. Different antioxidants work in different locations in the body and even in different locations within cells.

For example, CoQ10 is an important antioxidant that works in the mitochondria (aka the energy-producing organelles within cells) and is especially concentrated in the heart, kidneys and brain. CoQ10 is also important for muscle function (1).

Other antioxidants are specific compounds powerful enough to boost the production or efficiency of enzymes in the body that target oxidative stress (2-3). These enzymes (including glutathione peroxidase, superoxide dismutase and catalase) are the workhorses for battling internal and external toxins, protecting your DNA and keeping your immune system healthy.

The solution to optimal health is to ensure that you are feeding your body with a variety of antioxidants so your body has a range of defenders to counter different intruders. Isagenix® offers a variety of antioxidant-rich products to choose from and that work in synergy to fight the around-the-clock battle against oxidative stress. These include:

  • IsaGenesis™ which contains a powerful formula of complex botanicals and vitamins that provide a range of nutrients that support antioxidant defences
  • Complete Essentials™ with IsaGenesis™ contain whole-body nutritional support, with the addition of Ageless Actives, contains a bioactive form of CoQ10 among other powerful antioxidants and nutrients
  • Cleanse for Life™ which contains a blend of antioxidants and botanicals to nourish your body while you cleanse
  • Ionix® Supreme which contains a combination of antioxidants and adaptogens to support your body’s ability to manage stress, including oxidative stress
  • Isagenix Greens™ contain antioxidant-rich extracts, including green tea extract and grape seed extract that support immune health and fight free radicals

Another product that can support this requirement for antioxidants (but often flies under the radar!) are our cleverly-formulated IsaDelight™ chocolates, that contain green tea extract to support a healthy metabolism, as well as providing another source of antioxidants for our free radical defence system.

So, arm your body with the best nutrients that support your antioxidant defences and see if you feel the difference for yourself!


1.Gökbel H et al. The effects of coenzyme Q10 supplementation on performance during repeated bouts of supramaximal exercise in sedentary men. J Strength Cond Res. 2010 Jan;24(1):97-102.

2.Savory LA, kerr CJ, Whiting P, Finer N, McEneny J, Ashton T. Selenium supplementation and exercise: effect on oxidative stress in overweight adults. Obesity 2011 May 19. [Epub ahead of print]. doi:10.1038/oby.2011.83

3.Sekhar RV, et al. Deficient synthesis of glutathione underlies oxidative stress in aging and can be corrected by dietary cysteine and glycine supplementation. Amer J Clin Nutr 2011. doi: 10.3945/ajcn.110.003483