A lot of people have questions and there are some misconceptions about Isagenix.

1. You eat REAL FOOD on the program and generally lots of it. 🍳🍉🍊

One of the ideas of the program is to flood your body with nutrition it's not currently getting - 2 shakes a day is an ADDITIVE to your regular clean whole food diet.

Some people even need to eat 5-6 meals per day and 2-3 of these meals are the shakes. There aren't huge restrictions on what you're able to eat but you will crave healthier foods and drinks!

2. Unlike so many other programs out there, ours resets your cravings and teaches you how to make healthy choices - AND it almost eliminates cravings for junk, especially unhealthy processed carbs and sugar 🍎🍊🍓🍋🍑

3. The program is scientifically validated by clinical studies (including data points like people lose 2x the visceral fat than on a heart healthy diet) and by an enormous number of doctors and nutritionists in the company and also an impressive Scientific Advisory Board. 🔬

4. This program is not exclusively for "weight loss," but if your body would function optimally at a lower weight, it will get you there. Many people on our team are looking for more energy and sleep, better performance, more lean muscle, healthy aging and overall optimal health 👍

5. The products are delicious and filling with no GMO's, no artificial colors or dyes, no soy and they're gluten-free. 💚

6. You should not be hungry. If you are physiologically hungry, you will increase your calories so your results will not be impeded. 💚

7. The results are LASTING. Many people use this as a maintenance schedule: a shake for breakfast most mornings along with an adaptogen drink and essential vitamins.

Then if/when they start to drag or feel like they need a reset, they do a cleanse day. We have many nutritionists on our team that have explained why people are able to maintain their results so well; in a nutshell, the program fires up your metabolism and the detox balances your system to function optimally. 💚

8. Cleanse days. If you follow the program as its written - out of 30 days, FOUR days are cleanse. You pick the days. So many doctors and nutritionists advocate for intermittent fasting, but with ours you're supported by products that control your blood sugar, increase your energy and mood. Cleanse days are not difficult; they're 90% mental. 💚

9. There are even other ways to cleanse. Some people who prefer not to do a deep cleanse day (intermittent fasting) prefer to do daily cleanse. That is just drinking 4 oz of Cleanse before bed. 💚

10. This is not a colon cleanse. You won't be in the bathroom from this cellular cleanse...You don't need to take time off of work or be at home. In fact, most people say they have great amounts of energy and incredible mental clarity on cleanse days.

11. We're NOT expensive compared to what we spend on things now. It is a program that can transform how you look and feel with a money back guarantee. You deserve that 100%.

12. Yes, you can still indulge. People are blown away that they go on vacations where they indulge, party away the weekend, make a few bad decisions and they don't see a huge rebound. In fact, they're able to get right back on track.

We live rich, full, indulgent lives but we do so feeling so amazing, looking a lot younger than we did before we started, and for many of us able to perform at a much higher level than we have for years.

13. You have a 100% satisfaction 30 day money back guarantee 💚nothing to lose and everything to gain and you have complete control of your account.

So what's stopping you getting started today?

