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Isagenix affordable nutrition

"But Isagenix is expensive"

We're sure there are many of you that have either heard that or have said it or are thinking it and it's the thing putting you off? How do we know we're right? Because it's something we've heard often over the 3 years we have eaten these products and built a business around them.

But here's the thing, Isagenix is NOT expensive, in any way, shape, or form. Fact.

When you start on a President Pak = $592 FOR THE WHOLE MONTH of world class nutrition, breaking it down, it equates to $19 a day. $19 for 2 of your meals + all your vitamins + cleanse day products + bars for snacks + a blender + an online shop + a community of support ... Broken down further, that is $9 a meal.

$9 could also get you...

  • A footlong sub
  • A medium size salad from Sumo Salad 
  • Large Sushi 
  • Home made chicken salad from home

All reasonable "healthy" things we're going to go ahead and assume is the average persons lunch.

So firstly, straight away, Isagenix is the same amount the average is person is spending on their meals anyway .. but DEEPLY, HUGELY, MASSIVELY more than that, the NUTRIENTS your body so badly needs these days, the prebiotics, the probiotics, the amino acids, the vitamins, the trace minerals etc are ALL missing from the above food. But NOT in Isagenix.

So when you are opting for a shake for one of your meals and it's packed FULL of the following do you honestly STILL think it's expensive???

+ 60 essential micronutrients
+ 11 amino acids
+ 2 essential fatty acids
+ 13 vitamins
+ 21 minerals
+ 7 enzymes
+ 6 probiotics

You're spending the same as you would on any ONE of your average normal meals a day (not to mention if you're a coffee drinker you can add approx $4-$5 dollars a day on top of your daily food spend) but instead of just eating 'clean food' to try to feel and LOOK good, you are actually eating clean 'food' in the form of your shake but putting exactly what your body needs in to it.

We could go on, and on, and on....and onnnn about how NON expensive Isagenix is but YOU have to try it for yourself to really see why.

It is NOT just about looking good anymore - it's about FEELING good.
"Just clean eating and exercising" is 100% LEVEL 1 of health, to us, it is FOUNDATIONAL health but what else are you doing to address ALL areas of health when it comes to cleansing? Energy levels? Mental clarity? Muscle recovery? Good sound sleep?

Food for your thought anyway ... When we say Isagenix is an INSTEAD of cost, not an on TOP of cost - the above is evidence as to why.