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Working with the golden handcuffs

So we're curious, how many of you are currently working in jobs that don't light you up, or are providing you with the long term vehicle to ACTUALLY achieving your life's dreams and goals?

We're thinking the majority of you. Sorry, but it's true, as for most of us live with these invisible GOLDEN HANDCUFFS

Handcuffs that pay you just enough to stay, but don't pay you enough to set you free, and in turn you work just enough not to get fired, and you get paid just enough not to quit.

Is this living, or merely existing, working only to pay the bills, pay off the mortgage and go on those 4 weeks a year holiday (if you can afford it, or allowed it)

Those of you who have your own business might also resonate. Ask yourself, are you the BOSS of your business, or is it the BOSS of you? Do you own it, or does it own you?

You see these handcuffs, regardless if you work for yourself or someone else, are the things that hold so many people back from achieving their greatness, or their life's purpose..

So if there was a way to free yourself from these handcuffs, live the life that YOU imagined for yourself, AND have the time, money and health to be the best version of you possible, would this be something you'd be interested in?