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The journey is the destination

Wouldn't you agree that many of us focus on earning a great living, and in pursuit of that miss out on earning a great life. We are so focused on paying off the house, paying the bills, saving for later years, setting ourselves up for when we are older.. so much so, when we are infact older, we've missed 3/4 of the whole adventure!

So what's a great life? - Well in our opinion it definitely ISN'T having 4 weeks off a year to have a "holiday" from working. It definitely ISN'T working all week and missing out on seeing your kids for most of it. It definitely ISN'T working until your 65+ to "retire" to only then enjoy the rest of your life at your leisure, with just enough to get by. It definitely ISN'T paying one credit card to pay off another, or taking out one loan to service another one. It definitely ISN'T coming home from work exhausted, stressed and lack of enthusiasm, time and energy to look after your own health.

What it ISN'T is looking at dream houses, dream cars, dream holidays and ways to contribute to those around you, and saying to yourself "I'll NEVER have/do/be/see that" - That's JUST. NOT. ON.

Don't sell yourself short. Earn a great life AND earn a great living, just don't give up one for the other along the way.

The journey IS the destination, and the destination IS the journey - HAVING A GREAT LIFE!