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Never Forget your Why

IN light of recent events in Nepal and even closer to home in Bali, we can see that in a heartbeat the human life can be flicked off just like that, like a light switch. 

The cruel reality of our existence is that it's finite and temporary, and in relative terms to the universe a mere blip in the infinite timeline. 

So, when it comes to business, wouldn't you agree, considering we are on earth for such a limited time, that we should be doing things that not only excite us, inspire us and light us up, but that also gives us purpose to make what we do count.

People often ask "What do you do?" but isn't the real question here not what you do but "WHY do you do what you do?" Most people don't have an answer. Most people just fall into their career paths because that's what they studied at University, or an opportunity popped up for them to pursue, or they just "fell" into it somehow. Commonly, there isn't a definitive WHY they do what they do other than "just because" or because they have done it long enough that they become good at what they do, even if the career path isn't that fulfilling.

Really? So some of us will spend a good part of 40 years of our lives doing something that either leaves us unfulfilled, underwhelmed or underpaid and at the end of it, we get to retire on just enough to exist? Is that a life plan?

Many people trade a lot of time for money doing jobs or careers that stop them from doing things that truly light them up, and when time is our most limited resource and valuable asset, many trade this away for next to nothing. Along the way they also trade things like seeing friends and family, spending quality time with children, travel, health and wellbeing. With focus being squarely on earning an income to cover the expenses.

I found myself in this exact situation, and reevaluated everything in my life. I, like a lot of others reduced my dreams to match my income, I realised I needed to find a vehicle that delivered an income to match my dreams. After 17 years in my own branding agency, I needed to find a better way to fulfil my purpose, find the things that served me and my future. Many don't. Most won't.

But Why?

So my question to you today is 3 things:

  1. Why do you love about what you do?
  2. Why do you do what you do?
  3. Why is why you do what you do, so important to you?
  4. I'd love to hear about what drives other business minded people and why they are driven to do what they do.