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Action or Reaction?

Like many of us, we come across a lot of motivational and inspirational things in our day-to-day lives, and i'm curious how many of us actually process them and put them into some sort of ACTION.

Our common REACTION is to "like" them then move on, and no sooner than we've moved on we're liking the next post or picture.

So, my question is if we like these sort of motivational / inspirational things, rather than simply liking them, why don't we pause, assess and define what we can take out of it and create some sort of ACTION in our lives so they actually have more of an impact rather than being a nicely designed picture with some type over the top?

Also, let's get off scrolling aimlessly on our social media channels and get productive, get active and DO rather than WATCH, CONTRIBUTE rather than JUDGE, LIFT UP rather than CUT DOWN.

We love the likes!, however we love ACTION even more